Wayzata Yacht Club


Entertainment - On Lake


The Wayzata Yacht Club (WYC) oversees one of the largest sailboat racing programs in the United States. Our Lake Minnetonka racing programs include over 65 keel boat races each season, conducted primarily in 22-25' keelboats, with the participation of up to 130 boats for evening races.

The Wayzata Yacht Club also sponsors racing in the Apostle Islands of Lake Superior via our Apostle Islands Station (AIS) in Bayfield WI. This big boat schedule includes both buoy racing and off-shore sailing with boats that compete throughout the Great Lakes.

The Wayzata Sailing School (WSS) is our nationally recognized and accredited sailing school. This program includes summer day camps and youth racing programs. We are proud to host the University of Minnesota racing team as part of our club. Many youth sailors train at WYC and compete nationwide as members of the Wayzata Sailing Team.


Jill Fynboh
Club Manager

Tom Brown

Jonathan McDonagh

Shelly Myers

Todd Myers

Sheila Wyatt

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